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Retrieving Mac Retrospect files from Windows

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Hello there.


Does anyone know of a way to retrieve Retrospect files archived to DAT on a Mac using Windows XP running EMC Retrospect?


The problem is that it is nearly impossible to find a DAT player for Mac that is compatible with DDS-1,2,3 tapes. I have a Windows computer with an HP Surestore 24 DAT which will recognize the tapes but when I try to use EMC Retrospect to recreate the catalogs it give me a 'wrong version' message. Is there a workaround?


Much thanks.

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If I can find Mac driver software for the HP DAT then maybe.

That's called "Retrospect", which includes the DAT drivers. There are no Mac tape drivers (well, Tolis Group does sell their "Tolis tape tools" product that will let you use dd, cat, cpio, tar, etc., with tape drives, but that's not what you are trying to do).


It's been reported here in these forums that, at some point, Retrospect 6.x lost the ability to read Retrospect formats older than 6.0 (which is a different format than Retrospect 6.1 for metadata reasons). I know that Retrospect 6.0, when released, could read Retrospect 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and 2.0 DAT backups because I tested. I would have to recable our server to test DAT again, so I don't know, but I still have our DAT drive in a closet so that I could read our Retrospect 2.x and 4.x DAT backups.


You could certainly install Retrospect 6.0 from the archives if you could get a license key from EMC.


Good luck.



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