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7.0 .RDB on-disk format


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I'm trying to recover .RDB files that were created

w/ Retrospect professional 7.0 (Disk Backup Set)

after NTFS Filesystem corruption.


It would help enormously if I knew some details of the on-disk format for the meta-data for these files.


I have used some data carving tools to find the locations of many of these files and have discovered the offsets to identify 1) backup set 2) member-name 3)member-name index and 4) session name, but I've reused the same backup set name in the past and really need a date stamp of some kind to disambiguate different

instances of similar tuples e.g.

"Backup Set Delta"/

"1-Backup Set Delta"/

"file index 0"/



Is this info available or is it "secret"?



1. Is there a date the .RDB file was first created/last written (offset/format?)

2. Is there a footer at the end of the file I can identify?

3. Is there meta-data throughout the file or just at the head (and tail?)


Any info would be very useful.

Thank you.

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