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Help needed to set up rotation to external USB/Firewire drives


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Ever since I purchased Retrospect, I've not been able to set it up correctly, and its driving me crazy! No matter how much info I read, I just can't get my head around it. Someone quoted me £250 to come in and set it up, so this is my last attempt before I get stung!! lol.


I've been trying to set up a nightly backup of our work stored on the server, to an external USB or Firewire drive. I want to pop in Drive A on Monday, and at 19:00 it backs up to it. Tuesday morning, I want to swap Drive A with Drive B, and at 19:00, the work is backed up to Drive B. Come in Weds morning, swap Drive B with Drive A... etc etc etc.


The problem I'm having, and its probably due to not fully understanding Retrospect, is that if I create the scripts to reside on the server, I can't seem to find a way to define the drives. I've also tried putting the scripts on the actual external hard drives, which sort of works. But when I get in in the morning, I keep getting a message that Retrospect can't find the script (obviously because I haven't connected it yet!).


Can anyone tell me, in layman's terms, where I am going wrong?


Any help most appreciated.






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