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Real duplicate or Delete non existing files on destination function within copy.


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Hey Guys,


I've been reading some post within the forum, looking for some answers to be able to make a real DUPLICATE script instead of a Copy which is in the new V8 version, which used to be in V6.


Just wondering , will there be in te near future a Real duplicate function, or a add-on to the copy backup so this will react as a duplicate function.


I hope someone can give me a answer to this question, since we sold this software to some customers which need the normal backup option, but also need the duplicate option, and not the copy function. And V6 wasn't a option for snow leopard server.







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First, perhaps you misunderstand. These forums are user-to-user support. This is not for support (or question answering) by EMC. We are just users like you are. See the Retrospect Forum Rules:


This forum is a community based self help tool for users of the Retrospect Backup Software and other EMC Insignia Products....


While this forum is monitored by members of the EMC Technical Support team, it is not possible to reply to all questions and threads. This forum is not an official method for contacting technical support. EMC employees are under no obligation to reply to individual forum posts. If you need immediate technical support, you can contact technical support directly at http://www.emcinsignia.com/contactsupport

None of us will be able to answer your questions regarding when or if product changes, if any, will be made to Retrospect 8 (or any Retrospect product).


Second, exactly what is it about the "Copy" function in Retrospect 8 that isn't suiting your customers' needs? It's simply a different name for the Duplicate function in Retrospect 6. See the discussion of language (but not function) changes in Retrospect 8 in the EMC Retrospect 8.1 for Macintosh Read Me


Perhaps you have some of the options set incorrectly to do what you or your customers want/need.



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