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share your custom reports


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Does anyone have a custom backup report script that they want to share?


Years ago I hacked out a huge vbscript just to take the data that is dumped from "retroeventhandler.bat" and sort/format it so that it came out sorted by backup script name and status (SUCCESS/FAILURE). Then I scheduled a daily task to run the script and used blat to e-mail it to me. It is clunky and far from perfect.


I have attached a sample image of the output.


It is possible that there has been something around for a while that I have missed. If you have thoughts/ideas/suggestions on the subject, please share them.


For any "Retrospect Backup Commandos" who happen to catch this, I read in the Mac support section of the forums that there were plans to improve e-mail reports for the Mac version of Retrospect. I don't know the details, but wondered if there are similar plans for the Windows version.



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I was checking the program logs daily too, then others on our staff wanted to know the status, so it seemed worth the trouble at the time.


My script just takes the info from the retro program, sorts it and reformats it. Then it gets mailed out. I am not a programmer, so I am sure that someone else can improve on my work in short time. My first vbscript was 500+ lines (again though, most of this is just lines for sorting and outputting the way we wanted, so it is very repetitive). Then I rewrote the script in perl and cut it in half.


I would be happy to provide more details of what I did if others would like to review it and help me improve it.


I am also willing to go a completely different direction with it...just need someone willing to spend a little time on it. I would be willing to write a support document and host it as well.


Any takers?



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I don't use the ReportsWatcher either for the same reason. Bounce me a note if you want someone to test out your script.


I am still re-writing my VBscript and my Perl script so that they can be easily altered for a different configuration. When I am finished, it would be great to have another set of eyes try them out. Let me know if you are interested. It will probably be another week before I am done though -- too many other things going on right now.





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