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Retrospect and Tandberg T24 drive


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I just installed Retrospect 8 on a brand new OS X server with a Tandberg T24 Tape Drive. (LTO-4). I know from reading the forums that a user manual doesn't exist yet but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this particular combo of the there's any kind of instruction available yet for using Retrospect 8 with the Tandberg. I haven't had any issues because I haven't used the system yet but I want to get more information before I make any major mistakes. If Retrospect 8 doesn't work I'll have to move to another software solution and judging from all the forum entries, it's not looking too promising.





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Hi, thanks for the response.


I've got it going and it appears to be working fine.


I've used Retrospect for years but never with a tape drive. I've created a media set and added 5 tapes. I believe I've instructed the script to move to the next tape when one is full so we'll see how it goes.


How do it let Retrospect know when it encounters a cleaning tape? And what is a normal interval for cleaning the drive?





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How do [color:red]it[/color] let Retrospect know when it encounters a cleaning tape? And what is a normal interval for cleaning the drive?

Unclear what you mean by "it".


There are two ways to designate cleaning tapes. One is by the industry-standard barcode prefix of "CLN" (e.g., CLN00001, etc.).


The other is to designate a slot in your autoloader as a "cleaning slot". See the User Guide for details. Oh, forgot, there is no User Guide.



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