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error -205 / memory pool missing

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this is the setup:


Backup Server is a G5 Dual 1.8 GHz, 5GB RAM, Mac OSX 10.5.8. Attached via SCSI is a Backup Library. Retraspect 8 is fresh installed has a fresh set up.


I try to backup 3 Server. As you can see in the log file it backups the first server without any problem. But it keeps stopping at the second server. The second sever has much more data stored (about 3.5TB). But this should not be a problem...


Remember, this is a complete fresh installation! There was no catalog before!


I also can not update the catalog file after it, it keeps coming up with a failure. All you can do is delete the backup set and tape and restart... which leads to the same problem.


I am happy for amy idea to solve this problem.






Normal backup using Backup at 11/16/2009 10:54 AM (Execution unit 1)

To Media Set BU...

- 11/16/2009 10:54:35 AM: Copying Daten on ## Server

11/16/2009 11:32:55 AM: Snapshot stored, 404 KB

11/16/2009 11:32:58 AM: Execution completed successfully

Completed: 1472 files, 12.7 GB

Performance: 346.4 MB/minute

Duration: 00:38:23 (00:01:05 idle/loading/preparing)


- 11/16/2009 11:32:58 AM: Copying System HD on ## Fileserver


!Trouble writing: "1- BU" (1287716864), error -205 ( unknown)

!Trouble writing media:

"1- BU"

error -205 ( unknown)

lmNeeded: memory pool missing, needed = 228, nsp->start = 402981120, nsp->end = 147535616, nsp->count = -12582912, nsp->flags = 0x4000000


!Not enough application memory

!/&OK//&Stop///!Catalog File out of sync with Media Set "BU".

To repair it, use Tools>Repair Catalog>Update existing Catalog File.


!Catalog File out of sync with Media Set "BU".

To repair it, use Tools>Repair Catalog>Update existing Catalog File.

11/16/2009 12:07:17 PM: Execution incomplete

Remaining: 111242 files, 31.5 GB

Completed: 235118 files, 8.6 GB

Performance: 324.9 MB/minute

Duration: 00:34:18 (00:07:24 idle/loading/preparing)


11/16/2009 12:07:19 PM: Execution incomplete

Total performance: 337.3 MB/minute

Total duration: 01:12:42 (00:08:30 idle/loading/preparing)

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It is actually only one "server". The rest are Desktop Clients with shared stuff. You are right, did not make this clear in my opening post. sorry for that.


When I open "Sources" in Retrospect 8 it shows just one Source as a server. The other machines are type "Desktop".


So I guess that is not the problem. And I really hope Retrospect would show me differently than that that I am using the wrong licence.






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And I really hope Retrospect would show me differently than that that I am using the wrong licence.

Others have the same hope, but the diagnostic has been less than informative (just quits). Let us hope for improvement on this point.


Anyway, your problem doesn't seem to be a licensing issue, just a run-of-the-mill bug. It's interesting that you are running on a G5, because I think that there are a number of bugs present on PPC that aren't on the Intel architecture.


What happens if you remove the second and third desktop computers from the first script, and put them in a second script? Does that work? In other words, is it the second source computer that is the problem or the fact that it is in a script with the first computer that is backed up?



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