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I have a client running Retrospect 4.3 in a cross platform environment. The Retrospect Server is on a B+W G3. The scripts are set to start at 9:00 PM, and the main preferences for Retrospect Server are no backups until 9:00 PM. Scripts start at about 5 PM. All clients and server show the right time at desktop level but when you log into clients they all show time off between 3-11 hours?? I think this is why the scripts are starting. Any ideas??

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Try installing Retrospect on another computer and logging in a client or two - does the problem go away?




If so, try reinstalling Retrospect on the main backup server (save the Retrospect preferences folder before reinstallation for preservation of scripts and clients). If the problem still exists after a reinstallation of the program, you should check your drive with a disk utility and/or consider a clean system installation.

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