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Removing a Media Set

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OK here's my problem: I created a media set named OfficeHexaneMini. I had set up scripts to back up our drive using this media set, but we decided we didn't need to back this up. So I went in to try to delete the media set and it will not let me. First, I thought it might just be in use, so I went and deleted all previous and upcoming instances of scripts that used this media set. Then I deleted all the scripts that even referenced this media set. It still would not let me remove the set. Thinking it might fool Retrospect into deleting it by itself, I went into the Application Support->Retrospect->Catalog folder and manually deleted the catalog. I also removed the back up folder from the destination drive. I then relaunched Retrospect and attempted to remove it. It STILL won't let me. I have tried rebuilding and repairing the media set with no results. Hopefully someone can help me here-it is quite frustrating not being able to get rid of this. I included a screenshot of my system console in case that will help anyone diagnose my problem. Thanks a million!




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- I can't help you, but I want to mention that I have the same problem. I generated a media set with a name I decided was uninformative, so I made a new and wanted to delete the old.


No go. I didn't try as hard as you - on the other hand, it was two minutes after I had made it, no scripts and stuff....



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Huh. I just tried this here.


Selected the disk Media set from "Media Sets", unlocked the set, clicked "remove" and it was gone.


Now, my *catalog* and actual *files* aren't gone -- those I'd have to manually delete.


But removing it from the list of media sets worked...

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