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I just upgraded to the new Mac OS 10.2 this weekend. I am running Retrospect for Desktop 5.0. I am having a problem with my Backup Schedules. They will not run automatically. When I launch Retrospect manually it runs the "Backup Schedule". Are there any updates for the Desktop version, I see an update for "Clients" but I am not sure if I am suppose to download it or not. It looks like this is for another version of "Retrospect". Anmy help would be appreciated.

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The autolaunch does not work currently with 10.2. We do plan to release an update for compatibility. Here is a statement on Jaguar compatibility:




Mac OS 10.2 (Jaguar) Support and Retrospect






As backup software, Retrospect requires intimate interaction with many of an OS's subsystems. With Jaguar -- Mac OS X 10.2 -- there are differences in the operating system that affect Retrospect.




Dantz continues to work closely with Apple to complete a free update to Retrospect that will provide excellent support for Jaguar and Jaguar Server. In the meantime, customers who choose to upgrade to Jaguar immediately should be aware of the following:




1. An updated Retrospect client that functions properly under Jaguar is now available from the Dantz website. This new client allows computers running Jaguar to be backed up by Macintosh computers running Retrospect 5.0 under Mac OS 9 or 10.1.x, or by Windows computers running Retrospect 6.0. (Note: Owners of Retrospect 6.0 for Windows already have this client and need not take any action.) The Retrospect 5.0.536 client for Mac OS X is available at the URL below.








2. Retrospect 5.0 cannot autolaunch because the RetroRun process crashes every time it is launched. This crash will be visible to any user who has turned on crash logging and crash reporting in Mac OS X's Console utility (located in /Applications/Utilities/).




3. Many SCSI card vendors will need to update their drivers in order for Retrospect to access attached SCSI devices under Jaguar. Our preliminary testing has shown that ATTO SCSI cards are well supported under Jaguar, but owners of other SCSI cards, including Adaptec models, will need to contact their SCSI card manufacturer for a driver update. At the current time, we are not aware of any such updates being available.




Dantz is working hard to provide complete support for Jaguar. When we do, it will be with a solid product that offers the very best in reliability for safeguarding data under Mac OS X.



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If Retrospect is no longer autolaunching, first verify that you've got it set to automatically launch. Go to Special>Preferences from the Retrospect Directory and click Notification. Is "Autolaunch Retrospect" checked?




Does Retrospect try to run a script right after you start it, but not at the specified time? If not, verify that your script is scheduled correctly. Go to Automate>Preview from the Retrospect Directory. Are there scripts scheduled to run? If there are, is the top one scheduled to run soon (as opposed to months or years in the future)? If it is scheduled to run some time in the future, you may have deferred execution of the script. Change this by editing your script.




If there are no scripts scheduled to run, you need to reschedule your scripts. Go to Automate>Scripts from the Retrospect Directory to do this.




If your scripts still aren't launching, go to /Library/Startup Items and look for "retrorun". This is the process that automatically launches Retrospect. If it's not there, reinstall Retrospect to replace it.

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