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can't add that much data to backup set - limit 2 g

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can somebody please help?


I have a new external harddrive 120g from lacie. I have Retrospect v5 installed in my Mac OS X server. I configured Retrospect to backup to the external drive and I am getting that message whenever the backup script is ran "Can't add that much data to backup set. The limit is 2.0 G.


Some Techs from Retrospect have suggested that I do not create a backup set with an older version of Retrospect, v5 is what I should use. Well, v5 is the only one I can use with the mac OS X server.


Also, the external harddrive is connected directly to the computer on a USB connection and the drive I am trying to backup is an internal drive.




Can somebody please help, I am begging because I have spent money into this and I have not had a goo backup set yet, thus, if anything happen I am a dead man.




Thank you

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The suggestion was actually to not use backup sets that were created with previous versions of Retrospect, had you been using an older version with file backup sets before the upgrade.




If you are receiving this error with Retrospect 5.0, try re-formatting the hard drive under OS X as Macintosh Extended (HFS+) format and create a brand new backup set. This should resolve your issue.




Also, make sure you are saving your file backup set to the external drive, not the internal drive. You can determine the location of your file backup set by going to Configure > Backup Sets > Configure. The Summary tab will list the location of the backup set. If the File set is being saved to an internal Macintosh Standard formatted volume, you will certainly get this error.



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I would like to thank you in advance because it seems like by reformating the hard drive it is going to work. I did a brief test and it did not crash (although I have to wait until the next day to see the real result)


Anyway, thank you for your help

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