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Filemaker shutdown not working?

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I've put the following code into the Retrospect Event Handler (in the library/preferences/Retrospect dir):




on scriptStart given scriptName:theScript, startDate:theDate


if theScript is "EasyScript Backup" then


tell application "FileMaker Pro"




end tell


end if


end scriptStart




on scriptEnd given scriptName:theScript, scriptErrorMessage:theError, errorCount:theErrorCount


if theScript is "EasyScript Backup" then


tell application "FileMaker Pro"




open file "Server HD:Applications:FileMaker Pro 5.5 Folder:databases:Filemaker Open, Close"


end tell


end if


end scriptEnd




It's based on the sample script in the manual. After Filemaker starts, I want to open a file that contains an autorun FM script that opens the databases. The log indicates the backup ran OK, but we're left with a bunch of "Filemaker Pro has unexpectedly quit" messages, and it doesn't restart. Is the event handler not working? Is the script bad? Is there a better way to do all this?




Thanks for your help. I'm NOT a real scripter, so please bear with me!



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