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Latest MacOS 9 client


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I have some VERY OLD clients that I'm backing up and I need to update the client on that machine. What is the newest version of the OS9 client and where can I obtain it?


The current version on this client is 5.1.157. Thanks!

The current Mac Classic (OS 9) client is available on the usual updates page:

Retrospect updates

(but is listed under the Windows 7.6 updates, oddly). 5.1.180 is the version (of May 2006).


No .rcu exists, you have to copy the install/updater application to the OS 9 client machine, and run it there.


Note that the version number displayed by the client by Retrospect when it queries the clients for configuration is simply "5.1" (not "5.1.180"). Good luck with version control.


Here's the release note KB article, with a download link as well:

Retrospect security update KB article



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