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Need Strategy Assistance

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I am running Retrospect 7.6 Multi-Server with several add-ons. I have five (5) external HDDs (Seagate FreeAgent Pro 750 GB ESATA) that I have on a daily rotation: M, Tu, W, Th, and F. Each external represents a day of the week and are labeled as such. As a result, the Monday hard drive should have all my Monday backups, and so on.


I am thoroughly confused :rollie: with the Retrospect terminology and I would greatly appreciate assistance with forming a basic strategy.


I have three scripts running nightly, one script for each server. Inside of each script are several volumes being backed up.


I do not want to erase the old backups from previous weeks. For example, if I make a backup on the first Monday of the month, I want another backup on the second Monday of the month to be copied alongside that one. I want catalog files for each and every of these. I want to keep one of the 5 daily backups for the past 6 weeks and then I want to keep the backup at the end of every year on December 31. I want catalogs for every backup ever made.


Maybe my desires are the confusing piece... :tongue2:


Thanks for any help,


Mike W.

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Thank you for your response. I learned that I need to be running normal backups. My scripting was fine otherwise. I have 17 scripts backing up nightly. The change I need to make was to give each Seagate FreeAgent drive has it's own Drive Letter and it's own network share point. Previously I had each drive on the same network share. This was causing confusion as to the Member Set.


Server x (6 scripts): M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sat

Server y (6 scripts) : M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sat

Student Lab (5 scripts) : M, Tu, W, Th, F


My next step is to make scripts that will copy the previous week's backup (Monday 1) to an date-labeled archive before running the next week's backup (Monday 2). Any thoughts on that would be appreciated but at least for now my daily backups are taking place overnight the way I want them to.

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