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Trouble with new upgrade HD2.5 WinXP


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I own an EMC Retrospecter Express HD copy that came with an Iomega HDD, bought some months ago.

I was told two days ago to update to version HD 2.5, which I did, as I keep my computer free of virus and updated if possible.

The thing is since this version was installed I get this error message on my screen:


Error grave de Retrospect (fatal error at Retrospect)

Assertion failure at "tstring.ccp-2214"


Se ha registrado información sobre este error en el archivo

(Error information about this file have been registered)"assert_log.utx".


Póngase en contacto con EMC para informar acerca de este problema. (Pleas contact EMC to report, etc.)


I have written to them and get no answer.

Can anyone help me please?

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Thanks a lot for replying.

Nice logo, by the way...


I'm afraid "application data" is in another folder, I mean, is not in All Users. Don't ask me why :) But I also checked in there and no trace of Retrospect or Retroexpress.


But your words reminded me something. After installing SP3 I was told by one of this windows warning pop-ups, that Retrospect was kind of trying to violate the windows firewall. If was asked for permission to go ahead, which I did. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact of using an external hard disk as backup drive...

I hope this help you.

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Express HD uses Microsoft .net framework which requires access to the firewall.


Express HD always creates preferences in documents and settings\all users\application data. If you do not see the Retroexpress folder in that path, then this may explain part of why the software is having a hard time.

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hmm, ok.

The thing is there is no such an application data inside that folder.

(I'll try to upload a screen capture).




Sorry, I'm just an illustrator, so what should I do? Reinstalling v2.0?

Because I've tried to use the software several times and it just freezes on the screen after showing this error mesagge.

And I would like it so much to backup my files daily...

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It seems that you're right. The fact that got me confused is that there are two more folders around called Application Data. This is something Microsoft usually does: mixing languages - spanish and english.

Here goes another capture:




All right, I just deleted the folder, rebooted and now I'm asked about some licencing code. I don't have the CD here but I'll try to get it later -I guess this code is in it. But everything seems to work OK. I'll let you know later.

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Thanks a lot Rich.

And thanks to Robin too.

The thing is that my Installation CD, the one inside Iomega's external network disk box, is officially lost.

I moved my studio a month ago and I just can't find it anywhere.

I still have the ticket and fee but I don't know if I can ask for a copy to either the retailer or EMC themselves (a donwloadable one, of course).

If not, I'll keep on searching I guess...

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