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What's the line on Jaguar support?

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Jaguar will hit in just over 2 weeks.




1) Will the 5.0.205 app work as is under Jaguar?




2) Will the 5.0.528 *client* work under Jaguar?




If the answer to either (or both) questions is "no", how long after Jaguar ships on the 24th will patches be released?





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Due to core structural changes between OS 10.1.x and 10.2, the current version of Retrospect will not be compatible with 10.2. We are actively working on a release of Retrospect which will fully support Apple's next big OS release, Jaguar 10.2.


An exact date is not available at this time. We will announce the release when it becomes available.

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I've read your Jaguar comment twice - but it doesn't answer the question!




> 1) Will the 5.0.205 app work as is under jaguar?




> 2) Will the 5.0.528 *client* work under jaguar?






Are you saying that neither client nor the Retrospect application are compatible with Jaguar?




I rely on Retrospect (for now, anyway). I also wish to upgrade to Jaguar (10.2) as soon as possible. Please give us a hint - is a Retrospect release coming within days or weeks or months?color=red> Will we be expected to pay for the release? Will this release bring the Mac version to parity with Retrospect 6 for Windows, or will it be a bug-fix patch?




Best Regards,




Jim Warthman



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1. No


2. No




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Are you saying that neither client nor the Retrospect application are compatible with Jaguar?





An exact (or estimated) date is not available at this time, nor is specific information about the upgrade. We are actively working on it and we will announce details when they become available.

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Thanks for the clarification.




Since Jaguar (10.2) is such an important OS upgrade, I hope Dantz moves to support it more quickly than they supported OS X! I cannot afford to upgrade my OS if it breaks my backup software. Hence, I must either delay my 10.2 upgrade or look elsewhere for a backup solution. I suspect that some folks will use this as another reason to abandon the Macintosh...




Best Regards,




-- Jim




P.S., nothing in your profile says that you work for, or speak officially for Dantz. Is it safe to say that you do?

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Due to core structural changes between OS 10.1.x and 10.2, the current version of Retrospect will not be compatible with 10.2. We are actively working on a release of Retrospect which will fully support Apple's next big OS release, Jaguar 10.2.


An exact date is not available at this time. We will announce the release when it becomes available.

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Melissa just posted precisely the same information that Amy posted 5 days ago.




Given the popularity of this thread (nearly 450 views in the past 24 hours), it seems clear that many, many people are concerned about this.




I would think Dantz would be a bit more forthcoming with information.

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On the Apple User forums there are three reports from people who are using Retrospect successfully with 10.2.


What actually is the issue that Dantz are concerned about? Is there a risk in using Retrospect with 10.2, or is it a case of "if it works fine, if it doesn't, wait for the update"

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Dantz is pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new Retrospect client version 5.0.536 for Mac OS X only. This new Retrospect client, a free upgrade for owners of Retrospect 5.0, provides the following improvements over older versions:




1. This version runs under Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar). For additional


information on Retrospect and Jaguar, please see the Dantz


Knowledgebase article on Jaguar:






2. Corrects a problem that caused the Retrospect client to


spontaneously turn itself off after approximately 17 minutes.




3. The "Defer" button in the Backup Server alert window now


functions properly under Mac OS X 10.1.x.




Dantz recommends that all customers running Mac OS X use this latest Retrospect client. Owners of Retrospect 6.0 for Windows already have this client version and need not take any action.




The Retrospect 5.0.536 client can be downloaded immediately from:






Best regards,




Dantz Development



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On my 10.1.5 machines when I updated the client (following the instructions to turn off the client prior to install), I'm having a problem where the client is still *off* after I restart the computer.




I can manually turn it on, but if I restart again, the client is still set off.




It only seems to stay "on" after a restart if I open the Preferences for the client and then quit the app.




Anybody else seeing this?



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On my 10.1.5 machines when I updated the client (following the instructions to turn off the client prior to install), I'm having a problem where the client is still *off* after I restart the computer.


Did you move the Retrospect Client folder from its default location?




The shell script at




is hard coded with the path to the client process.




If you move the process the shell script can't find it at startup.







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I didn't move the client/folder from the default location (/Applications/Retrospect Client)




My Jaguar "update" installs of the client worked fine. Everything which had previously been "off" with the old client was on and working after the in-place update.




it was only the "update" installs on 10.1.5 machines that seem to do this.

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On my 10.1.5 machines when I updated the client (following the instructions to turn off the client prior to install), I'm having a problem where the client is still *off* after I restart the computer.


Try deleting the folder:




and then running the installer again.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Can we assume you are busily working on making Retro Desktop/Workgroup/Server work under 10.2 also?


I run Desktop using "Internet" backup sets. While Desktop will launch under 10.2 (modulo RetroRun crashing), it tells me my internet backup sets are inaccessible.

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While Desktop will launch under 10.2 (modulo RetroRun crashing), it tells me my internet backup sets are inaccessible


- Do you have the firewall enabled in the Sharing preference pane?




Retrospect does not appear to support Passive FTP; having the firewall on will stop Internet Backup Sets from working.





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I commented yesterday on a mailing list about the OS X 10.2-compatible Retrospect client. I got one reply today that this client does not support "Restore":




> according to Dantz you cannot do a restore even with the client


> FYI.. As they have not worked out all the permissions. You will be able to


> back up data only in reality




This is the first I've heard of this, and I could find nothing pertinent in this message board, or in the Dantz Knowledge Base.




Can anyone provide more information or, ideally, a definitive answer from Dantz?




Best Regards,




-- Jim

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