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I am running Retrospect 5.0 on an OS X server. I am getting an error 525 (name/login conflict) for a client on an OS 9.2 machine. I have uninstalled/reinstalled the client several times and still get the error. The knowledgebase says just select the "forget" client button in the configuration window, but when I highlight this client the "forget" button goes away (or is grayed out).




How do I get out of this situation?







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Make sure you are rebooting between attempts to reinstall the Retrospect client. Proper removal includes throwing away the Retrospect Client control panel, rebooting and then reinstalling.




In the application: Try removing the client from: Configure > Clients. This will bring you to the Backup Client Database. Highlight the client, and hit the delete key on your keyboard.

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Thanks Amy. I had already used the uninstall from the CD to remove the client, but I didn't know to use the delete key in the clients database. That did the trick and I am now able to see the new client.




Thanks again.





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