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Trying to open an old Retrospect Express backup on CD

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Hi everyone,


I'm a new Retrospect user working on an Intel iMac under 10.5.2. I was digging around and found a 2-CD set of a Retrospect Express backup that I made in 1999 (most likely under some flavor of OS 9), and wanted to see if I could access the backup.


When I put the CD into my system, the DVD drive in my iMac (a Matshita DVD-R UJ-85J), the system won't recognize it.


Under Disk Utility, the system sees the drive as disk6s0, and the partition as CD_ROM_Mode_1, but can't mount it or make an image of it.


Now, it's not the end of the world if I can't see a backup I made 9 years ago but I wouldn't mind getting a look at some of those files. Any chance there's a workaround to be able to access this backup?


Many thanks to all who answer the questions in this forum.



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When I put the CD into my system, the DVD drive in my iMac (a Matshita DVD-R UJ-85J), the system won't recognize it.

This is correct. A stock Mac OS system will not recognize an optical disk created by Retrospect.


But Retrospect will.


What happens when you launch Retrospect and visit Configure->Devices ? Or attempt to rebuild the Catalog from the media members?


I'm a new Retrospect user...

OK, now I'm thoroughly confused. If you're a new Retrospect user, how can you have 10 year old Retrospect backup Member disks?


working on an Intel iMac under 10.5.2

What version of Retrospect are you using? What version of the Retrospect Device Update (RDU) is loading along with the program?

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OK, now I'm thoroughly confused.

It's got to be those cheetos, David.


If you're a new Retrospect user, how can you have 10 year old [color:purple]Retrospect[/color] backup Member disks?

Seems the backup media is from Retrospect [color:purple]Express[/color]


I'm a new [color:purple]Retrospect[/color] user working on an Intel iMac under 10.5.2. I was digging around and found a 2-CD set of a [color:purple]Retrospect Express[/color] backup that I made in 1999 (most likely under some flavor of OS 9), and wanted to see if I could access the backup.


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OK, now I'm thoroughly confused. If you're a new Retrospect user, how can you have 10 year old Retrospect backup Member disks?


Sorry for the confusion. I played around with Retrospect Express briefly in 1999, and made a backup or two with it, but found it too complicated for me at the time. I'm now starting over with Retrospect, so in that sense, I'm a new user.


I'm using Retrospect version 6.1.138. I see a "Driver Access Version" of 1.0.107 and a "Driver Update Version" of, but that's all I can find.


Okay, by clicking "Configure" "Devices" I can see the CD, but can't do anything with it.


I'm guessing that I have to rebuild the catalog to my local hard drive to see anything on the backup set, so that's what I'm going to do.


I'll muddle my way through from here, but if you guys have any further tips, please dont' hesitate, and thanks.

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"Driver Update Version" of

That't the RDU version that was needed.


Some of the later RDU versions after have issues, and some people have been reverting to an earlier version (RDU that doesn't have the issues (providing that it has support for their devices). The earlier RDU versions are here for download:


RDU version history


However, I note by the release notes that your DVD drive (Panasonic / Matsushita UJ-85J) requires at least RDU There was a bug introduced with RDU (and that allows only DVD+R media to be used, so that might be part of your problem. You might see if that DVD can be read with RDU (if you regress to that RDU version).







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