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Upgrading Express to Desktop


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I currently have Express version 5.6 installed and have downloaded a trial copy of Retrospect Desktop. Is it safe for me to install this trial copy while Express is installed? Also, apparently version 6 is near. Will that also be available in Express and Desktop flavors? Do you know what the upgrade policy/costs will be? Does one have to purchase from Dantz's site to get any price break? Apparently I can save approx. $100.00 by buying Desktop from a different online source. You people don't explain the subtle differences between Express and Desktop very well. I'm interested in better file selection methods and am STILL waiting for a reply to my post re "Deselect," or something like that. Also, in perusing the Desktop section of your forums, I see lots of people are having problems with some files not being backed up. "To my knowledge," I haven't had that problem with Express...but who knows? Thank you for a reply. Dave

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The main differences in Desktop is that it supports tape drives. It also allows you to make customer selectors. The only other thing is on the Windows side it also allows you to duplicate the registry (if your duplicating).




6.0 will only have Professional, not Express, which is equal to Desktop.

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Hello Melissa. I don't know whether you will see this since the original post is so old, but I thought I should post a follow up for others who might be following the thread. Your suggestion to install my Desktop trial copy to a different folder, rather than the default, did not work. Retrospect did not tell me where it planned to install the program nor did I have a chance to tell it where I wanted it. It installed into my existing Dantz/Retrospect folder. While I have read the new users guide I haven't yet actually used Desktop, but I assume all will be okay. My problem will probably come later when I need to uninstall the trial copy. Offhand, I cannot recall a program installing itself without telling the user where and giving them a choice.


At this point I am inclined to wait until the Version 6 Professional comes out and see what it is all about. Thanks for the help you offered. I know you meant well and your suggestion re a different folder made sense. Dave



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Hello Melissa. Here I am with another problem. I downloaded a trial copy of Retrospect Desktop and ran the installer, but I seem to still have only my purchased copy of Express. The "about" box from the main directory shows Retrospect Express version 5.6.132, which is exactly what I had before installing (??) the Desktop trial version. My Dantz folder does contain both the Retrospect and the Express PDF User Guides. I just opened the main window of the program today so I could look into the selectors info in more detail. The Retro users guide says I access this by clicking the "Special" tab in the main directory, but there is no such tab. Things look exactly as they did with my Express version. Incidentally, I was never asked to enter the Product License Code after I installed Desktop trial. You will recall I was not given a choice of program location when I installed the trial so everything is in one folder (Dantz). Now I don't know what I have (except a mess). Any suggestions? Thanks. Dave

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you duplicate C to D and expect to Boot off of D (provided maybe C gets damaged) then you would need a working registry to do so. Express can't duplicate the registry....so then you wouldn't be able to boot off of D. If you never plan on doing this...then you aren't missing it ;)



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