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sorry, can't open the retro.config (6.0) file

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Is there anything important in it?

That file contains all your scripts and lists (clients, volumes, custom selectors, etc.). It's a good idea to back it up.


If you do have a backup copy, you can launch Retrospect from a clean default config and then restore a good copy of your custom config.

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I was going to try that, bad was afraid of what may be stored in that config file that I would potentially be getting rid of. Is there anything important in it?

Well, if it's damaged, you are SOL unless you have a backup of that file.




(1) drag the file to the Desktop so Retrospect won't see it. If Retrospect is able to start, then that file corrupted. If Retrospect still can't start, then there is some other problem.


(2) If the file is corrupt, then enter your license info into the "clean" startup (without the config), then restore the config file from your most recent backup to the desktop (or some other place, not its default place), quit Retrospect, move the restored file into its proper place, restart. You do have a backup, don't you?



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