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Right in the middle of archiving....wah!

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Hi, guys.


Specs: Retrospect 6.0.193 on Mac OS X 10.3.9

Quantum SDLT External Tape


Right in the middle of archiving I got the dirty heads, bad tape message. And I ran the cleaning tape that morning! Arg!!


I just started my new 2008 archive catalog. The tape is brand new but now Retrospect wants another tape, which will be the 2nd tape in the catalog. Is there any way to get Restropect to keep using that tape (Tape 1A) or do I need to go ahead and give it another tape? Those tapes are expensive and I hate to waste one that hardly has anything on it.


I do two archives, A and B, for each time I archive, just in case something happens, I have an extra. After the B script is done, I have Retrospect delete the files to get them off the server. So I don't really have a way to go back and redo the archive for Tape 1A. Sigh.


Thanks so much!



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If this ever happens with a later tape member that isn't really defective and you don't want to "waste" the partial tape, you can always mark the tape member as "Missing." Retrospect will skip to the next sequential member (and you will lose the data on the partial tape), but you will be able to erase the tape and reuse it.

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