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retrospect asking for 001

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I have been using Retrospect for years without any problems. I just switched to a new Mac with Leopard and updated to 6.1.138. I erased and partitioned my hard-drive for destination (and yes, checked preference for hard-drive being used as removable media).


NO GOOD! It reads my Source volume and then, when it looks as though it's about to run, asks me for Daily Backup 001. The destination is Daily Backup and there's more than enough room. There IS a Daily Backup file is on my backup volume - I presume some kind of directory for receiving the files. If I try to use the same destination volume, I can't because it's "busy" -- obviously being used for the upcoming backup.


I have tried MANY times and getting very frustrated.


Also, is there any way to remove the script I tried earlier and gave up on?


Thanks. The sooner the better!



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More. This is like a Catch 22. Retrospect reads the data to be copied and then says to "please select a new disk". Why, I don't know. It hasn't even started the copying yet. Of course, I CAN'T select a disk cause it's busy! I may have to give up on this program after so many good years!!! I can't be w/o backups and I've spent two days on it.



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Thanks. I am not using Time Machine nor did I format my hard drive that way. I am trying to avoid it and stay with Retrospect.


I'm not sure I understand the problem. I think I've ALWAYS backed up disks to disks. I am backing up an entire external Firewire drive PLUS the home folder on my MacBook Pro as one backup set. I have a partition on another Firewire drive as my destination. Where/how do I make this a "file backup set"?


These seem like elementary questions but I'm totally confused as I thought I was doing exactly what I had done before.


Thanks. HELP, please.



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I have been using Retrospect for years without any problems



Then you should be well versed in the differences between File Backup Sets and Removable Disk Backup Sets. Since you made the affirmative choice to modify Retrospect from its default preference state, we'll have to infer that you have decided on a Removable Disk Backup Set due to the unique features such sets offer.


If you have a Removable Backup Set that's asking for a member named Foo [001] then you have likely asked Retrospect to perform a New Media Backup

( in Configure->Backup Sets->Foo->Configure->Options->Media:Action )


You should also be aware that the catalog file of a Removable Disk Backup set needs to be saved to a volume other then one of the Media Members of that same Backup Set. Otherwise it won't work.

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Hey, while you were answering me yet again, I decided I wasn't too big to get out the documentation and look about file vs. disk. I guess I completely forgot what I did long ago.


In any case, I added a new destination (file) and we're off and running.


A HUNDRED THANKS to you. I'll sleep better tonight knowing my clients will again have multiple backups.



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