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Selector Not Working

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I have made my own selector that simply choses not to backup Folders named 'Movies, 'Pictures', 'Music'.


This does not work. Those folders DO get backed up, which is wrong.


Manually configuring these settings in each script does work, however.


What am I dojng wrong?


Mac OS X 10.4.11

Retrospect WorkGroup 6.latest

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On the face of it, what you're experiencing shouldn't happen. Perhaps the selector is corrupt.


If you go to Special> Selectors> Edit 00 EX Movies Pictures Music, you will be able to check the selector's operation from the Selector drop-down menu. Does it misbehave here as well?


If you write an identical new selector (start anew; don't duplicate "00 EX Movies Pictures Music"), does it too misbehave?

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Well I have tired all your suggestions, on two Macs and I still cannot get any selectors to work.


If I do:

Special> Selectors> Edit 00 EX Movies Pictures Music, and check the selector's operation from the Selector drop-down menu, it appears to select fine there.


If I:

Write an identical new selector (start anew; don't duplicate "00 EX Movies Pictures Music"), this too misbehaves.


If I:

Manually do a selector in the script this too misbehaves.


All this on two separate Macs backing up two separate sets of scripts.

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> I still cannot get any selectors to work.


_Any_ Selectors? Or just this Movie/Pictures/Music group?


> If I manually do a selector in the script this too misbehaves.


But your linked graphic specifically notes that a manual selector in the script _does_ work!


> If I ... check the selector's operation from the Selector drop-down menu, it appears to select fine there.


If you setup an Immediate Duplicate, then click on Files Chosen, does the Browser window that comes up match the selections that were shown in the Test Selector Browser window?

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I still cannot get any selectors to work.


And you still have never shown the complete selector that does work. See my request four days ago:


What's in the hidden ("include") part of the "Does Work" selector if you move the scroll bar up (or if you enlarge the window)?




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  • 5 months later...

I've had a comparable problem, running Retrospect 6.1.230 under OS X 10.4.11. E.g. ...


I have a selector set for Enclosing Folder name contains "Help/HP Photo and" (without the quotes of course), that nonetheless does NOT select the files in the folder at [root]/Library/Documentation/Help/HP Photo and Imaging Help .


Comments? Enlightenments? --jim

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> "Help/HP Photo" (without the quotes, of course) is the _name_ of the folder?


Thanks, but nope. It's part of the path for this CONTAINS selector:


contains the Library folder

which contains the Documentation folder

which contains the Help folder

which contains the HP Photo and Imaging Help folder.

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it's part of the path for this CONTAINS selector


There is no such thing as a "CONTAINS" selector. There are lots of different search criteria that can be based on "contain" or "start with" or "end with" or "match, but the type of criteria you choose has to match what you're trying to do.


Your original post stated:


"I have a selector set for Enclosing Folder name contains..."

But you provided a path, not a name. I'm confused, and Retrospect probably is confused, too.


Can you post a screenshot of the actual selector you are attempting to use?



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Newbie to this forum. Don't see a way to post a screenshot, but could email it (please request offline to jwarren@well.com, IF so inclined :-).


But the selector-line shows the "Enclosing Folder" icon and - at least in Retro.6.1 under the Mac's OSX, most-assuredly DOES have a "contains" option - producing text of

"name contains Help/HP Photo and"

(sans the quotes).


The "contains" option is in the selector's pull-down menu along with "end with", "start with" and "match".

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I wasn't insisting that "contain" is not a valid sub-selection criteria; I was attempting to explain that "folder name does contain" is quite different from, say, "volume name does contain".


Based on your previous answer regarding the actual name of your folder, if your selector states:

[color:orange]Enclosing Folder[/color] [color:green]Name[/color] [color:blue]Does[/color] [color:yellow]Contain[/color]: [color:purple]Help/HP Photo and Imaging Help[/color] then it will quite correctly fail.


Try and create your "Name (File/folder)" selector using the exact name of the folder, or the exact path to the folder, or by selecting the folder in a Browser window and selecting "Save Highlights..." from the Browser menu.

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