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I'm running Windows XP home edition and just purchased Retrospect 7.5.

I'm having a great deal of difficulty understanding the difference between the duplication options. I want my backup media to contain an exact copy of my hard drive, changed as it changes, without having to reduplicate files each time.

Why is this so complicated? Can somebody rescue me?

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Here's what I don't get.

Replace Entire Disk "will replace the current contents, if any, on the destination volume with the current source data. Retrospect will not re-copy any files that are identical to files already on the destination drive."

If Retrospect does not re-copy the files that are identical on both the source and the destination, will these files no longer be on the destination drive when the data is replaced?

Or do they mean that files identical on both source and destination will be left intact on the destination drive, files deleted from the source drive will be deleted on the destination drive, and files changed on the source drive will be changed on the destination drive?

This second option is the one I'm looking for. If Replace Entire Disk does not do this, what does?

I want my destination drive to exactly match my source drive . . . preferably without recopying every file every time.

Thank you for your input.

P.S. Love your Grover persona.

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Duplicate options

Replace entire disk option

After a “Replace Entire Disk” operation, the source and destination volumes specified in Retrospect will be identical. This means that Retrospect will update or delete files on the destination volume if needed.


Note: The naming of this option can be misleading. Even though it says “Replace Entire Disk”, only the data in folder or disk you have chosen as a destination will be overwritten or replaced. Other data that is saved outside of the destination volume will not be affected.


Replace corresponding files option

“Corresponding files” means files with the same name and in the same folder location (path).


Retrospect will update files that have the same name or are saved in the same folder location or “path”. However Retrospect will not delete any files from the destination volume. If you delete or move some files on your source volume they will not be removed from your destination volume. This is a good way to protect against deleting files by accident but it also can fill up your destination disk with old data.


Advanced features - incremental data copy

When Retrospect runs any duplicate operation it first checks the data on both the source volume and the destination volume. It then compares the two volumes to see which files have been added, changed or deleted. After Retrospect finishes comparing the two volumes, it copies only new and changed files from the source volume on to the destination volume. Files that are identical on both the source and destination volume are not copied again. As a result, the first duplicate operation you run will be a "full" duplicate and take longer to complete. Future "incremental" duplicates will only copy new and changed files so they will be much faster.

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