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How to change the number of backups to keep?

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I am using Retrospect Multi Server Ver 7.0249 (for Windows)


I created a Backup Set using the following settings:

Backup Media = Disk.

Use at most = 90% (of disk space).

Keep only the last '30' backups.


After running for 18 backups it run out of disk space. So I am trying to reduce the number of cycles from '30' to 15 (or anywhere under 18) so that I can keep using the same Backup Set and at the same time not lose those backups. I could not modify that parameter (30). In fact all other parameters are available (like percentage of disk to use, etc) but not the one I need to change. My only option is to use the same Backup Set and set the Action to 'Recycle" but that would erase all my earlier backups (18) and start over. Is there any way around this problem?



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Are you talking about the "Groom to remove backups older than" option? If that is so, then you certainly should be able to change this value. I don't recall any setting that somehow limited the way you can work with a backup set later on. Where in the manual are you seeing this?

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