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Steve Pollard

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Hi I upgraded to Retrospect HD 2.0 last year and everything was fine but recently every time I reboot, I receive an error message "Retrospect encountered a serious error @ "memutil.cpp-201".

I have reinstalled the software but the message returns the moment I put in the registration number.


Please advise.

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I am running windows XP.


I have updated to 2.0.214 today but I still get the same error message.


Today I entered my reg no and all was fine but the moment I pressed the restore button I got the Error message.

Retrospect has encountered a serious error:


Assertion Error at “memutil.cpp-201.


I tried this 4 times with the same result.

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I took your advise and let the catalog rebuild overnight but encountered the same problem.

I re-booted but experienced the same problem when I went to restore.


What is interesting is that I never used to get as far as restoring because the system used to ask for the registration number and at that point the serious error message appeared.


I look forward to your next suggestion.



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