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Move Retrospect To New Computer - Not Working

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I recently installed Retrospect 6 and the 6.126 Update onto a freshly reformatted computer. I would like to move the back-up scripts from my old computer to this new one. Both computers are running OS X Tiger and Retrospect 6.126. I followed the method listed in the Retrospect Manual and copied over the entire Retrospect folder from the Preferences of the old computer as well as the catalog. The linking to the catalog worked fine however the scripts and logs did not copy over. I tried a second time copying the Retrospect Preferences folder to the new computer but still the scripts to not appear. Do the scripts really reside in the Preferences Folder?? Does anyone have any clue why this would not work?

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I followed the method listed in the Retrospect Manual and copied over the entire Retrospect folder from the Preferences of the old computer as well as the catalog. The linking to the catalog worked fine however the scripts and logs did not copy over.


Let's get this clear, because it worked fine for me. Did you move the contents of the folder:

Old Computer: /Library/Preferences/Retrospect/




New Computer: /Library/Preferences/Retrospect/


? Worked perfectly for me when we migrated to our Xserve. Make sure that the folder has the same name and proper ownership and permissions, and is in the right place. The right place IS NOT




although there is a folder there by that name.



I tried a second time copying the Retrospect Preferences folder to the new computer but still the scripts to not appear. Do the scripts really reside in the Preferences Folder??



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