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Yep, Retrospect Express HD for Maxtor One Touch . It shows 71 restore points.

I hit the Restore button, new window opens to show Calendar. I pick a date then hit Next button and it displays window asking me to select files and folders to restore. At one time after getting only the IMAGE.GHO file in the Restore Folder, I tried to ask for *.doc in the search area but it wont find any. What it does give me to chose from is a "tree" "Local Disk D" under which are three choices, one a folder called Recycled, one a file called AVG6DB_F.dat and one called image.gho.

Then when I click NEXT, it opens a new window saying . "Restoring ....." to Desktop\DL Documents\My Restored Files\Restore1" or "Restore 2" or "Restore 3" etc etc depending on how many times I do it.

As it's doing it's thing .. it shows a message such as " Completed 1 of 4 files, 766mb of 1.2GB" then 2 of 4 then 3 of 4 etc.

The result is a file in the Restore Folder called IMAGE.GHO of 1,209, 329 KB

I'm unable to look into it or get a document from it.

Can you suggest anything or help?

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Thanks Mayoff .. I'll look again, but if I remember correctly, I tried different combinations of files and restore points and got either that large GHO file or an empty file.

I never did see any "tree" when asking it to Restore. Even asking for *.doc would not open anythin up. Got nothing.


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Thanks Russell,

I'm at a loss at this point. The back up was done with the Maxtor One Touch two using Retrospect Experss HD software, the files in the 71 Restore points are all named something like AA000002.rbd and the catalogue is Restorepoint.rbc so I assume it was done correctly. The Restore points have green dots except for a couple with yello and I think one with a red

I don't know why the restored file is a HGO file.


Tnx for your reply


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