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Server Login Failed


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When performing an immediate backup to my network drive, server login is required. I have established a password on the network drive where I want to place all backups. When performing this manual backup, it's not a problem, I can just enter the login information. The same applies for my client laptop on my network. Where I'm encountering problems is during scheduled backups. I've configued sheduled backups for both environments for processing during the early morning hours, when I'm sleeping. Each morning so far, checking in on the backup process, I find a Server Login pop-up requesting my network password. Ok, maybe I need to specify a password for a sheduled process. I need help finding it. That's where you come in with assistance. But there is more. When I enter the password I receive a message saying, Sorry, Server Login Failed error -1017 (insufficiant permissions). Ok, try this a couple of times and receives the same response. Then I try to X out of the process, Dayuum thang won't let me; takes me back to the Server Login pop-up. To exit the process I'm forced to launch the Task Manager Window and Select the task and end it.


All that said, how do I provide my server login information for the scheduled backup process. I believe if I know this information, the other issues just don't exist, but it begs the question, why do I have to launch the Task Manager Window to exit the process.


Help is appreciated.



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