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Cannot recover files

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I think I have a major problem with backups which I unfortunately discovered after one of my hard drives failed. I am trying to open up files from the backup of the failed drive onto another computer. I see that all of the files saved are huge files and no way for me to get into them without rebuilding a catalog and I can find no way to do this. I've tried searching the forums for info on this, but would really appreciate any help that can be provided here. Is it possible for me to recover files from the backup?

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I see that all of the files saved are huge files and no way for me to get into them without rebuilding a catalog and I can find no way to do this. I've tried searching the forums for info on this, but would really appreciate any help that can be provided here. Is it possible for me to recover files from the backup?



Catalog rebuild is a basic concept in Retrospect that is heavily documented. I am amazed you can't find directions.


You can find catalog rebuild directions in the Retrospect help and the Retrospect users guide (both already included with your copy of Retrospect).


You can also search our Knowledgebase for Catalog rebuild. I am sure the forum has 100's of links talking about catalog rebuild


How about the video at http://video.emcinsignia.com/retrospect/tools/3.%20Rebuild%20from%20a%20Disk%20Backup%20Set.wmv which is also in the knowledgebase.


How about the tutorial found at http://kb.dantz.com/article.asp?article=8350&p=2

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