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Help! My second hard drive registers unformatted after backup!


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Did I do something wrong???

After a backup, I can not get into my second hard drive. A window pops up stating stating my D drive is not formatted and would I like to format it?

Uhhh, What?


I'm not sure what details to include...I'm not sure what I did.


Anyone willing to help?


Thank you.

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It sounds like you are having a failure of the disk itself (disk corruption). I would think the safest thing would be to contact the drive company (like Maxtor or WD). Another option is to contact a company like Driver Savers that can do data recovery on a failing disk.


If you can not risk dataloss from the drive, then running disk utilities may not be safe.


Chances are, you did not cause this to happen (unless you unsafely disconnected the hardware)

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