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Backup Client Not Found -530


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Guys, recently I've added some clients on retrospect. I've installed Retrospect client on each desktop. I've noticed that after successfully adding clients to retrospect, with automated script I receive an error

Backup Client Not Found -530. The desktops are not going to sleep, nor they have hibernation enabled. I can manually backup all of them if I wanted to but at night, all i get Backup Client Not Found -530.

Any tips?

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thanks, i went to client properties and the desktop stated status "not connected", but when i clicked refresh it changed it to connected. I'm using retrospect v, the client version is 7.5.116.

Why would it say not connected? Every pc that's on there, after clicking the refresh button, it goes from not connected, to connected.

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Rather then flood your network with client connections non-stop, we only connect when it is needed.


If you had a 1000 clients in your copy of Retrospect, would you want us to maintain a connection to all of them at the same time?


If it says connected after a refresh, then you can backup the client right now. The client is found on the network.

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  • 6 months later...

Has this problem been resolved? Exact same problem with 1 machine here.


Backup at night, "backup client not found". Backup during the day, all good. No sleep, hibernation or anything.


User logs off for the night as normal. PC is running and client is running all night.


I just had her log off for me to test during the day and it works perfectly while she is logged off, just not at night.

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you can prevent these types of issues by making client folders, then using the folder as a source. This way if individual clients get renamed they are still covered.

You can also make use of the "automatically added clients" folder, which does exactly that, all new clients simply appear here, provided you're using the keyfile system during client deployment.

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