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Retro Pro 7.5.387 and McAfee Total protection


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My client has McAfee Total Small Business Protection (guard against everything web managed) software. It blocks the server from seeing the clients unless I turn off all the mcafee services (4 services) on all the machines. I have spent hours on the phone with M tech support and they are of little help. Supposedly the product can create exceptions to the firewall but they haven't figured it out either.


I backup the clients at 8:00pm and the next AM the Retro is still searching for the first client. The clock dial icon is still spinning. No error message just no backup.


Has anyone had experience with these two conflicting apps?


I would like to dump mcafee (I have never liked their products) The last tech at my new client sold it to them 2 months ago (then was asked to leave?). They are hesitant to dump it because they just paid for it.

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  • 3 months later...

Still fighting this thing. Port 497 is open. I moved the 7.5 application and backup tape drvie to another pc. Configured and activated 3 of 5 clients. On one machine i get client message "client networking not available or service is not started." Well the service is on. What does client networking not available" mean. The other pc client is still waiting for first backup. Neither can be activated (from server pc) or seen at all. I get 530 errors trying to see them. Both have been uninstalled and reinstalled restarted etc. Spent hours on phone with TS and still no closer to success.All firewalls are now off. all spy and antivirus is off. BTW I can ping all.

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