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necoIncoming: empty stream packet


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Got a newish client windows XP retro 7.5.116, did a backup OK once and now I get this error:


necoIncoming: empty stream packet


and the whole thing just freezes. have to kill the server process to proceed.


Server (7.5.387) running on w2k3


Any ideas? No problems on other machines of same spec.




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Do you get any other errors on the operations log?


The error is pointing to a network transaction, but I have not seen this type of error cause freezes on the computer.


Does it always happen when you backup a specific client?

Does it always happens when using a specific backup set?

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nope Ops log doesn;t record anything - session log ends with that then you have to kill retro, so sessions log doesn't get get copied to ops log.


always happens with this one client, no others. - wierd.


may try an uninstall and reinstall on that client.

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