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Using Client Software error -560 (Invalid Proivate\Public Key)


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Hi folks,

I've installed retospect professional on Windows XP SP2 and installed the client on a windows vista home premium laptop.


Everytime I click add client retrospect gives error -560 Invalid Private\PublicKey

I have ensured the correct ports are open on both machines

I'm not trying to insall on multiple machines, etc.


Could someone give me a heads up on what could be wrong here.

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Mayoff thanks for responding...


I tried to uninstall the client on the Vista (HP) laptop, seems something is buggy there as well as I could not get it to complete the uninstall.


I tried to manually remove and I get getting no permission from Vista - I'm assuming because the process was still running. What processes should I manually terminate? I'm not sure who the culprit is here Vista or the Client! How can I be sure that it is a clean uninstall?


I appreciate your time as a fellow business person I'm sure you understand that these problems are costing money. I'm hoping to get this resolved as soon, as I have spent many hours fooling with this so far. Let me add that I feel bad for you folks I'm sure Vista is a headache to you as well. If I didn't no better I would think I was running windows ME wink.gif Vista really does fail reliable usability. As another tech person said - its sure a good thing that MS spent so much money on the UAC becuase I sure see it alot, must be usefull somehow!


Should I phone your tech support people?

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I called your tech support and we figured it out. The helpful fellow was fairly stumped and so was I as to the problem. That is until I noticed that part of the error was an inability to make a registry entry. I mentioned to this young fellow perhaps it was the dreaded UAC that was causing the problem.


I turned off UAC on the client machine and the client installed without a hitch. So I'm just posting to let you know that the UAC does in fact cause problems on client installs in some situations. On our machine the client was being installed on Vista Home Premium I don't know if it will or would show up on other machines. Just wanted to point out that it may be good to know that if someone is having inexplicable trouble installing the client on a vista box that it could indeed be the UAC causing the heartache.




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