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Slow Performance in Leopard

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I have 2 boot volumes - one it 10.4 Tiger and one in 10.5.1 Leopard.

While duplicating an identical volume to the same backup drive, the new Retrospect in Leopard was copying much much slower than my earlier version of Retrospect booted off a Tiger volume. Like 1 gig a minute slower.

Anybody else notice this???


I'm using a Mac Pro copying to SATA 2 drives.

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This would be an excellent time to describe your configuration thoroughly and accurately, and to explain exactly what you are doing and exactly what you see when you do it.


Readers here do not know what "an identical volume" might be (internal physical volume? External logical volume?), of if the speed hit is in the total amount of time for the Duplicate (including scanning and matching) or if it is a real-time observation during the writing phase.



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