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Retrospect not recognizing blank tapes


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Retrospect Single Server 7.5.387

Driver and Hot fix

Sony LIB-81 tape drive




I'm trying to find out if the problem that I'm experiencing is with Retrospect or the Tape drive.

Every time I schedule a Snapshot(new set) script it will run half-way or not run at all, pausing at the stage when Retrospect

searches for blank tapes. There are enough blank (erased and/or new) tapes in the library at all times, but its just not detecting them.

However if I stop the script after it has paused and run it manually it finds the blank tapes.


This behaviour is observed once weekly when the Friday snapshot script initiates.

Otherwise there is a daily incremental script which runs OK.


Any advise on this will be greatly appreciated.




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Thanks for the reply.


I can see the Tape drive and Medium changer in XP device manager, they are both enabled.

Is it necessary to disable those? Would Retrospect be able to use them if they are disabled?






Yes, it's necessary do disable those. If they are enabled then Windows and Retrospect are competing about who's in charge.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've tried disabling the devices in XP.

However the problem appears to be with the Backup Verification option in Retrospect.

If I have Verification ON the snapshot script goes half way through and pauses, waiting for a blank tape ( and there are enough blanks in the drive)

If the Verification is OFF the issue does not occur.


Any suggestions as to why the verification causes retrospect not to see the blank tapes?

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Interesting thread. I'm troubleshooting a Retrospect Server 7.5 issue on an IBM x3550 box connected to a Tandberg Magnum 224 1x7 FC autoloader. I am having problems getting Retrospect to USE erased tapes that sit available on the magazine. Retrospect SEES the drive, and it SEES the library...but unless a tape is in the drive, the script sits and waits for a tape.


Not much info available on this forum. You would think EMC's support group would be monitoring this forum...NOT. smile.gif


I'll disable the tape and library, then reboot and try again. If it doesn't fix the problem, we'll call EMC.




Don Montalvo, NYC

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