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Hi All,


I've been able to make a successful backup of my G4 (os 9.1) on my external firewire HD, including setting up a run document to run the backup, shut off the machine. Step 1 = check.


Here's the dumb question: I other backup systems, I could view my external hard drive's contents in the finder...double click, browse around, etc. I can't do this w/Retrospect because of the backup set, etc...how can I simply see everything on my external hard drive that's been bundled up in the backup set? Is there a quick and easy way to see all of the files that are on the volume...not just what was backed up last, etc?


Thanks in Advance

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When I go here, I see two snapshots - one is just files backed up today (ie altered since last backup). Should there be these two snapshots? Won't I have to look at both to see all of the contents? I'm confused why there isn't just one snapshot (ie current volume cotents)

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