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Express hangs at "deleting files" step with Maxtor One-Touch

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I have successfully used my Maxtor One-Touch drive with Retrospect Express 5.0.205 to back up my G3 Macintosh laptop with OS 9.1 via firewire.


Recently, however, the backup hung the computer at the step of "Deleting Files" in the progress box. I forced quit, then tried it again with the same result.


Fortunately, it appears that the backup of files went through. How do I address the problem of getting hung?


Thanks much.

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5.0.205 is an old version - try upgrading to 5.0.238. Many changes have been made between the two versions.




If you continue to experience problems, try the following troubleshooting:


- Make sure the Firewire drive is isolated, and not on a chain with other devices

- Try manually deleting the files - does the Finder hang?

- Check the Maxtor drive with a disk utility, such as Norton, Tech Tools or DiskWarrior

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