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Can't back-up to Formac 80GB Firewire Harddrive:get this message: Can't add that much data to backup

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does anyone know how to deal with this problem?


I'm using Restrospect Express 5 for Mac OS 9 and want to back up to a firewire 80GB Drive.


+ Executing Immediate Backup at 27.03.2003 12:14 Uhr

To backup set firewire…


- 27.03.2003 12:14:11 Uhr: Copying G4…

Can't add that much data to backup set.

The limit is 2,0 G.

27.03.2003 12:14:13 Uhr: Execution incomplete.

Remaining: 510 files, 1,0 GB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0,0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:00:02 (00:00:02 idle/loading/preparing)


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Hello Given,


The 2GB filesize limit is set by your OS related to the format of your external HD. Your HD is currently formatted HFS/MacOS standard, this needs to change. Reformat it to HFS+/Macos Extended and your problems will be over.




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