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Retrospect and Superdrive

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New 1ghz duallie w/superdrive booting into 9.2.2


Is there anyway to keep the daily backup dvd in the drive without the Retro being open and not get a "cant read this disk-would you like to initialize?" popping up?

I am able do it with a cdrw no problem but the superdrive wants to read it, and its just waiting for the backup time for retro to launch. Any




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I'm guessing that, for the most part, you aren't planning to use the superdrive for anything but backups. If this is the case, you may want to try turning off the Apple CD/DVD Driver in Extension Manager. I haven't tried this, but it should keep the OS from noticing the DVD, and I'm pretty sure Retrospect won't miss the Apple Driver. Good luck!

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