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HELP!!! Message keeps saying Can't add that much data to backup set. The limit is 2.0 G.

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Hi there,


I have a Apple G4 and I am trying to backup 6 partitions (which are made up from 3 Internal

Hard Drives) onto my New Maxtor 250 GB Firewire External Hard Drive using Retrospect 5.0.238.


I have reinitialized my hard drive, installed new system software, running OS 9.1 and ran all

utilities and all I keep getting is a message stating:


Can't add that much data to backup set.

The limit is 2.0 G.


This is after backing up about only 1.8 GB of Data and then Retrospect quits.


Does anyone know why I am getting this message, why Retrospect is failing and what can be done?


I'd appreciate any help.




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Can't add that much data to backup set, limited to 2.0G

Make sure you have the following:

* Retrospect 4.3 or later

* Mac OS 9.x or later

* The destination hard disk must be formatted as Mac OS Extended (HFS+)

* The backup set must be created in Retrospect 4.3 or later. Try creating a new backup set.


The following Tech Note may be helpful:



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