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no backup devices found

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I have a PowerBook G4 with OS 9.2.2 and a Matshita DVD-R UJ-815 drive. I purchased Retrospect Express 5 as a part of Systemworks and have upgraded to 5.0.236 (although there are also problems with the original version). I am trying to backup via the internal Matshita drive without success.




When I open Retrospect Express and go to Configure>Devices, the dialog box states: No backup devices found. If I select Device Status, the Matshita is present. Rescan changes nothing.




I have inserted a CD with Retrospect Express open and both reserved the disk for Retrospect Express and prepared it as for a standard ISO 9660 disk. I have also inserted a blank disk prior to launching Retrospect Express. All options have the same result.




As a note, I have also tried the program with OS 10.3 and have had no better results although some of the symptoms are different. At the end of the day, however, neither routes produces a backup.



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This drive is not yet supported for use with Retrospect. For a list of currently qualified devices, please see:




Hardware Search Enginecolor=blue>




Dantz goes through a rigorous qualification process with every drive we test. This means that not every drive will be qualified and we can never guarantee that a particular device will be supported. Some drives do not get qualified ever, and some take 6 months to a year to get support. We have no way of telling if this drive will be supported or not at this moment.




We add device support often though, so do check back with our Hardware Compatibility list.

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I went to your hardware guide and am a bit confused. After entering the drive name, I received 31 matches but none were specific enough to tell which was my drive and, in fact, the drive name Matshia was not even mentioned. Although I suspect it is a lack of understanding on my part on how to find which drive Apple actually put into the computer your site was of no help and I have no idea of how to check for compatibility in the future.


On a related issue, I am using the 236 upgrade as I purchased Retrospect Express with Systemworks. I have noted that there is a 238 version but it does not work with my version. Are 236 & 238 similar but different due to the way in which the program was sold?

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