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Running Retrospect Express 5 from a boot CD

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I'm running OS 9.2.2 with Retrospect Express 5.0.236. I made a boot CD with my System folder, some disk utilities and Retrospect. When I boot from the CD and start Retrospect, I get the dialog box asking to open or create a Retrospect Express configuration file. When I choose the option to create the file, Retrospect quits and the System freezes. If I choose the "Open" option, the same thing happens. I have two internal hard drives. The main drive has three partitions, and the other drive has 1 partition. Both hard drives have Retrospect installed on the 9.2.2 partition.




Are there any known issues when using Retrospect on a bootable CD? Is there a fix for this?









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There should be a Retrospect folder in your Preferences folder of your System Folder (on CD) which has configuration files for the Retrospect application to run. But if it were already, I am not quite sure that the Retrospect would run properly when it wants to update those files on a locked volume. Never tried it but worth to try burning a copy of the Retrospect folder which is in your Preferences folder onto your boot CD.

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I downloaded Retrospect Express 5 (RE 5), but the boxed version contains a "bootable CD" that can be used to start the computer and then run RE 5. On p. 152 of the current manual, it states:




"Start the Retrospect Express application, which prompts you to open or create a Retrospect Express configuration file."




As I said in my original post, when I start from my boot CD, I get the dialog box asking me to open or create a configuration file. RE 5 needs to write to this file, so it can't use the CD's configuration file. However, when I choose either "open" or "create" in the dialog box, RE 5 quits and the system crashes.




I upgraded to 5.0.238 last night but that did not help. The system folder on my boot disk only contains the "OS 9.2.2 Base" set of files.




I'm out of ideas.





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