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purchased new computer - Mac G4 desktop with CD-R, OS 9.2.2 in use.




upgraded to Retrospect Express 5.0 today (from 4.1)




When I try to backup to CD-R I get "Error 102 - device trouble, trouble communicating."




Did what online tech suppot said - turned off file sharing and apple talk/share. Rebooted. Changed CD disc. Still getting same error message.




I'm baffled, please help.




(I'm also disgusted that Dantz would charge $40 for me to talk to a tech rep for a product that I just purchased TODAY for $20, but that's another story!)

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Error 102 (trouble communicating) indicates that the backup Macintosh has lost contact with the backup device.




Required files on Macintosh OS 9.2.x:




-Retrospect 5.0


-Retrospect SDAP Support extension version 1.2


-The Authoring Support Update Extensions:


A) Apple CD/DVD Driver version 1.4.7


B) SDAP Authoring Support version 1.2


C) Apple Packet Media Access version 1.0.1




Try running your backup with base extensions, in addition to those listed above.




If you continue to experience difficulties, try a name brand media, such as TDK, Sony or Verbatim.



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I have all the above EXCEPT I have version 1.01 of the SDAP Authoring Support, NOT version 1.2. How do I get that? (I looked it up on Apple.com and got nothing - is it from Apple?)




And my Apple CD/DVD Driver version is 1.4.8 (rather than 1.4.7), but that seems later so that shouldn't be a problem, right?




Thanks for your continued help.

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I have version 1.01 of the SDAP Authoring Support, NOT version 1.2


You're correct - this is a misprint that we will correct. The current version of the Apple SDAP extension is 1.0.1. I apologize for any confusion.




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Apple CD/DVD Driver version is 1.4.8 (rather than 1.4.7)

This is fine - the extension should be the same version listed or newer.





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