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newbie question: please help with repeat backups

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I have made a backup set using the browser window, selecting various files from various folders on my hard drive. I am able to create a backup CDRW which seems to be fine (I can restore from it).




The problem is with later backups. When I perform a repeat backup, the whole hard drive starts to get burned onto the CD. I do not seem to be able to figure out how to use the created catalogs to backup only files and folders that were selected with the initial backup.





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If you chose specific files to backup with the Preview button, Retrospect will not remember those files during your subsequent backups.




To work around this, you might want to save all of your important documents in one folder and define that folder as a source, rather than your Macintosh hard drive.




You can also use the Operating System to label your important files and folders with the 'Hot' label (red) and then use the 'Hot Items' selector in Retrospect to only backup the items you have labeled. When setting up your backup, under Selecting, you would change the default from 'All Files' to 'Hot Items.'




The other workaround would be to upgrade to the Desktop version of Retrospect and write your own custom Selector just to backup specific documents.



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