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I have been getting a 102 error on a new 1 Gig white imac with Leopard Server installed - running from another partition. This didn't happen with R discs w/ Tiger and previous version of Retrospect, but only w/ RW (4x +rw). Setting the speed to reduced had no effect. From the log, error only on first disc of two disc set - in all 3 cases error with first disc:


+ Executing Immediate Backup at 11/8/2007 5:57 PM

To backup set wa…


- 11/8/2007 5:57:16 PM: Copying QM134…

Trouble writing: “1-wa” (3924295680), error 102 (trouble communicating).


! 11/8/2007 6:23 PM: Manual erase of disc "4-macBf"


! 11/8/2007 6:23 PM: Manual erase of disc named “Untitled”

11/8/2007 6:46:48 PM: Comparing QM134…

11/8/2007 7:31:46 PM: 1 execution errors.

Completed: 387684 files, 11.3 GB, with 33% compression

Performance: 259.1 MB/minute (249.9 copy, 269.0 compare)

Duration: 01:34:30 (00:05:54 idle/loading/preparing)

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