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Recycling File based backup set?

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I am using a 2.5 TB RAID to store by backup so I'm backing up to File. I accidently told it to backup dupes so it got out of hand and I don't want to delete the Backup set and was going to recycle it. But I'm not sure if I tell it to recycle that it won't erase the RAID. It is phrased that it will recycle the backup set but does that mean it will delete the file or erase the RAID?

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does that mean it will delete the file or erase the RAID?





Recycle will maintan the file, but delete its contents. It's like opening up an existing Word document of a letter to your mother, selecting all, hitting Delete, and then saving the file again.


Other files on the volume are not touched.


(This assumes a File Backup Set being used, which you implied but did not state)

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