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Express 7.5.387 Doesnt Work Properly under Vista


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The latest version of Retrospect Express does not back up all the files selected. If 'documents and settings' is selected for backup, only a fraction of the files are copied. I only found this out when looking on the backup media (networked hard drive) to check if they were all there. I wonder how many people are thinking they have a back-up but don't?


I assume this is caused by the change in directory structure from XP to Vista (the same config works fine in XP). Is there a fix?

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Afraid it makes no difference. I define Users as a subvolume and it copies a small part of one user + most of the Public folder.


As an ADDITIONAL(?) problem I get a lot of errors - "Different creation date/time" which gives times that are two seconds different - for some files that it (tries) to cipy. Whats with that?





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