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Best Backup Solution


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I am looking for the best backup solution for the following network configuration...


I have two Xserve Servers, one is an Admin Server and other is FTP server. I need to be able to do a full backup on both.


I have one Windows Database Server that needs full backup.


I have 30 client pc's that I'd like to backup documents, settings and email...etc..


I want to be able to do this from all one source. Can retrospect do all this? Any suggestions on how to configure? What additonal hardware would i need?


Thanks in advance for any input.

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Thanks for the reply...I agree, i'm going to have the users save their data on a server. But I want the option to back up their machines as a client. I guess I'm really confused on which Retrospect product to chose. Retrospect is trying to sell me the multiserver version, but I'm not sure I need it. I'm thinking of having a single Windows server as backup and backing up the Xservers as clients. Would this option work you think?

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I'm thinking of having a single Windows server as backup and backing up the Xservers as clients. Would this option work you think?


Yes, the Windows Retrospect version is better for backing up Macs than the Mac version is for backing up Windows.


It isn't clear what OS you run on the XServes. If it is Mac OS X Server, you DO need the Retrospect multi-server licence. If it's Mac OS X, you need only the Single server licence.

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You can always buy the "Open File" add-on later. By running a few days and looking in the log should tell you if you need it.


You know there is a free 30 day trial period, right? During the trial period, you can turn on or off the Open File option and see if it makes a difference.

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